Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday Night!!

If you live in or near Tyler, Tx then you know that a new Khols just opend! Its an awesome felling to know that you get to go other than once a year (or mabey twice if your lucky) at your Mimi's house in Amarillo! So if you haven't already guessed I WENT TO KHOLS!!! And let me tell you it was awesome! But I went with my mom and if you know my mom then you now there has to be a catch if its about 3 weeks away from your 12th birthday! I had a choice of saving most of my clothes till my b-day or i could just take it all now and not get any thing on my birthday. And if you are me you dont want to make your birthday feel meaningless!!! so i save most of it but i kept a pair of jeans a skirt and a top to go with the skirt and some brown soft lounge pants!

After all the shopping was done we had to go and get some little fish for my turtles to eat at Pets Mart or Pet Smart or whatever you call that place! and we saw a huge dog i mean it was as big (or even bigger) than a billy goat. And if your grandpa has a few billy goats then you know how big that is! And my mom says "That dog looks like a freakin human!" and i couldnt help myself my laugh!well thats all the amazing news i've got for today and i will have some pictures tomorrow (hopefully)!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


hey i have awesome but crazy icons that i have got from so many diferent websites!!
enjoy!:-) :-p and you know i had to put atleast 3 hot guys on here!!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Hey i actually have pictures this time!! The past 2 weekends i have been at someones house. Last weekend i was at my grandparents house and i just got back from my friends house! well here are some pictures!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

My Awesome Sleepover!!!

Hey I am sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have benn a little busy! I had a sleepover with one of my friends, but since it was a friday and we had gotten up early that morning, we went to sleep at about 11:00! I don't have any pictures at the moment, but i promise i will later!!!